Publication details

Kdopak to mluví? Participace žáků ve výukové komunikaci na druhém stupni základní školy

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Title in English Who is talking? Student participation in classroom discourse at lower secondary school


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pedagogika
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords classroom discourse; participation; student contribution
Description Th e aim of this study is to use data from video recordings of teaching at the second level of primary school to study the way in which diff erent pupils contribute to class communication. We understand participation in teaching communication in terms of the overall length of time that individual pupils speak in lessons. We monitored this indicator on a sample of 82 pupils in four diff erent classes. In the fi rst part of the article we show through quantitative analysis that participation in communication in school class is not uniformly distributed, because pupils with higher school success indicators take part to a greater extent. In the second part of the text, on the basis of qualitative interaction between one teacher and two pupils with diff erent characteristics as to school success we demonstrate that models of participation are socially constructed in the course of interaction between teacher and pupils.
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