Publication details

Právo akcionáře na tutéž informaci, která byla sdělena jinému akcionáři mimo valnou hromadu

Title in English A shareholder right of to the same information that was disclosed to to another by shareholders outside the the General Meeting


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Obchodněprávní revue
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords general meeting; shareholder; informations
Attached files
Description In modern society, almost dependent on information and communication technologies, the demand for current, complete and reliable data, information, statistics, statements, dates and etc. in essence unceasing. General importance of information is compounded by the in the world of capital investment. Without the necessary information, the decision of the shareholders rights in connection with the exercise of the shareholder rights was difficult to think. Increased efforts supports the extension of shareholders' rights at the information about the events in society in this regard is logical and a substantially inevitable.

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