Publication details

Rozvoj osobnostních a profesních kompetencí učitele 1. stupně základní školy

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Title in English Developing personal and professional competences of teachers of primary school


Year of publication 2015
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The publication provides findings from a qualitative analysis of self-reflection of teachers' professional development, especially the development of mentoring skills and competencies that support the differentiation of instruction, together with theoretical knowledge on topics: mentoring, teaching strategies supporting differentiation and individual approach in teaching and assessing pupil’s achievement and individual development and pedagogical diagnosis in an inclusive class. Deals with different roles of a teacher, such as teacher as a creator of an educational environment, teacher as a diagnostician and self- diagnostician, and a reflective teacher. Analysis of the reflection of teachers in Chapters Mentoring in a school and Reflection as a tool for professional development describes the benefits of further education, but also many questions on topics of the "development of personal and professional skills of teachers of kindergartens and primary schools to higher quality education." Published also online - ISBN 978-80-210-7895-6.
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