Publication details

Leveé en masse v kybernetické éře

Title in English Leveé en masse in Cyber Era


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference DNY PRÁVA 2014 – DAYS OF LAW 2014: Část IV. Technický rozvoj a právo
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords Cyberwar; Levée en masse; Cyberspace.
Description Levée en masse was based on the decree of 23th August 1793 and became famous for its patriot rhetoric and its indiscriminate execution. Practical impact on warfare was undeniable, but its impact on the society was of similar importance. It gave rational basis for civil rights and caused long-term changes within the society. There is a question of whether the levée en masse concept is applicable to today’s information society. Some of the hypothetical cyber threats have major disruptive potential and mass “conscription” of people skilled in handling the computer could replace their lack in governmental structures and elsewhere. Can the cyber levée en masse have the same effect on the information society?
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