Publication details

Studie ze školní pedagogiky

Title in English Studies on school education


Year of publication 2015
Type Monograph
Description The publication was written for prospective primary school teachers, students of the primary education study programme at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University. It includes texts focusing on the following topics: School and its functions; the Primary School: what it is like and what we want it to be like; School as the place for pupils' personal and social development; education for the 21st century; values in education; moral education; aesthetic, work-related and physical aspects of personality development; the child in the school of the 21st century; changes in the role of the teacher in the 21st century; teaching and instruction; the historical development of approaches to teaching and the development of the system of traditional didactic principles; education within a classroom; the homeroom teacher; curricular acting of the teacher - step by step in planning the teaching; evaluation and self-evaluation.

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