Publication details

Nad vlivem vybraných institutů angloamerického právního systému formujících podobu českého trestního práva

Title in English About the impacts of chosen institutes of Angloamerican legal system that forms the nature of Czech criminal law

ČEP David

Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference COFOLA 2015 (sborník z konfrence)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords Continental Legal System; Anglo-American Legal System; Plea Bargain;
Description The purpose of this article is to give some author’s ideas on shaping of the form of contemporary Czech criminal law. Its’ form is actually made also of institutes that has their origin outside of continental legal system. The author evaluates the impacts of these relatively extraneous elements on the form of Czech criminal law and searches for answer whether their incorporation was a step in a right direction or not.
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