Publication details

Noví aktéři na poli válečných konfliktů: Případová studie Nejvyššího soudu Izraele

Title in English New Actors in Armed Conflicts: Case Study of the Supreme Court of Israel


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Obrana a strategie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Political sciences
Keywords Armed Conflicts; Courts; Judicialization of Politics; the Supreme Court of Israel; Torture; Targeted Killing; International Law.
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Description The article discusses the occurrence of a new group of actors in the field of pursuing military conflicts, namely the national courts. We present on the case of the Supreme Court of the State Israel that the process described as judicialization gained importance even in the issue of decision-making on pursuing military conflicts. We point out that in order to adequately grasp the position of the Supreme Court and its influence, it is necessary to consider also the acceptance of the Court’s case-law from the side of other important actors in the political system of the State Israel.
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