Publication details

Vliv umění na legislativní proces

Title in English Impact of art on legislative process


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Dny práva 2014
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords legislation; art; culture; literature; sociology; Šmejdi;
Description This paper investigates the influence of art on the legislative process. Its main objective is to clarify how art affects law during the legislative process. Furthermore, it is necessary to ask how such influence can be useful. Another question is whether it is even possible to admit such influence. In the first part of the paper will be examined the documentary film Šmejdi, which unleashed a social debate on exploitation of seniors during presentation events of some retailers. The result of this debate was the change of legislation. Particular stenographic protocol of the adoption of this change will be analyzed in terms of arguments based on the aforementioned documentary film. In the second part of the paper I will focus on the theoretical aspects of the arts influence on law in the legislative process. Then I give them into the context of contemporary Czech legal environment. The aim of this paper is to conclude whether the impact of art on law during the legislative process is compatible with the rationality of the legislature.
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