Publication details

Já jako učitel: profesní sebepojetí studenta učitelství

Title in English My teacher self: Professional self-concept of a pre-service teacher


Year of publication 2014
Type Monograph
Description In the publication My teacher self: Professional self-concept of a pre-service teacher, the results of the qualitative research into the professional self-concept of students at the Faculty of Education at the Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic are presented. The theoretical part of the publication studies the concepts of self-concept and professional self-concept, and explains the significance of positive self-concept for the work of the teacher. The research presented is a grounded theory research using a multimethod approach for collecting data. Thus, the free response was proven a valid tool for studying professional self-concept. The part of the publication in which the results are presented highlights the dominant aspects of professional self-concept of teacher students and their relationship to the concepts of the self-discrepancy theory – the ideal, ought and actual selves. Furthermore, it examines the possible selves, i.e. the wanted and unwanted expectations of students from their future development in the role of the teacher. Attention is paid to the process of development of the professional self concept – to its key factors and individual stages. The publication also suggests possible or desirable interventions that can help the faculty educating the future teachers support the process of development of professional self-concept of undergraduate student teachers.
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