Publication details

Use of capillary electrophoresis - frontal analysis for the charcterization of binding between biomacromolecules and ligands

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Year of publication 2015
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description A knowledge of binding constants is crucial to the understanding of molecular interactions and can be useful in the development of new drugs and effective treatments for diseases. Many techniques have been developed for the study of interactions. However the capillary electrophoresis – frontal analysis (CE FA) measures the affinity of binding partners in their native states without immobilization or labelling of the interacting partners. What is more the investigated interactions take place in a solution, which can simulated physiological conditions. The other advantages are very low sample consumption, a high resolution and also it does not require the highly purified samples. This work deals with applicability of CE-FA method to study of human serum albumin and different drugs interactions, the advantages and disadvantages of this methodological approach are summarized.
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