Publication details

Romantic attachment and motivation for sex in emerging adulthood: Do gender and self-esteem matter?

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LACINOVÁ Lenka JEŽEK Stanislav UMEMURA Tomotaka MACEK Petr

Year of publication 2015
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

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Description The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between attachment and sexual motivation taking into account the roles of global self-esteem and gender in emerging adults. Sample comprised 581 Czech emerging adults (96 male, mean age=22.72; SD=1.29) who are currently in a relationship and participate in a 5-years longitudinal study Paths to adulthood. Five structurally equivalent multigroup models (by gender) were estimated in Mplus 7 – one model for each sex motivation.Both attachment dimensions and global self-esteem were weakly associated with different motivations to have sex with different pattern of relationships for males and females. Males’ motivations to have sex did not seem to be related to their self-esteem. In females, higher self-esteem slightly increased intrinsic motivations and decreased extrinsic motivation. Attachment dimensions seem to affect males’ motivation to have sex more than females’ motivation.
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