Publication details

Česká nakladatelská vazba přelomu 19. a 20. století a otázka vzniku takzvané krásné knihy na příkladech produkce velkých pražských nakladatelství

Title in English Czech Publishers´Binding in the Neo-historical and Art Nouveau Period and Preconditions for Creating "Beatiful Books", Based on Examples of Selected Copies and Editions from the Major Prague Publishing Houses


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Vidět - Slyšet - Číst - Rozumět. Understand - Read - Hear - See. Sborník příspěvků mezinárodní konference studentů doktorských studijních programů
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Keywords Edition Binding; Neo-historical Styles; Art Nouveau; Jan Otto; František Topič; Josef Richard Vilímek; Adolf Liebscher; Viktor Oliva; Pavel Körber; Franta Anýž
Description The paper present some of the initial conclusions and insights from a dissertation that is being prepared on the subject of edition bindings in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Edition binding, in other words generally full cloth binding that was usually used for the entire edition of a book, grew in importance precisely at this time, and just like other artistic or craftwork media it reflected the contemporary taste, style, and technical possibilities. This can be seen in the Prague publishing houses of the time (such as J. Pospíšil, I. L. Kober, F. Topič, J. Otto, and J. R. Vilímek); the books they produced and in particular their bindings enable us to follow this development in style. They are bookbindings in neo-historical styles, one kind of which consists of "Leipzig bindings" and "speaking bindings" (reliures parlantes). It was on these bindings that the incipient Art Nouveau style built. In spite of the nature of the production of the edition bindings, it is possible to find among them the beginnings of Czech "beautiful books".
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