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"Das Notwendige scheint mit dem Unmöglichen identisch zu sein". Methodologische Überlegungen zu ausgewählten Deutschlandreden der 1980er Jahre

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Title in English What is necessary appears to be impossible. Methodological considerations regarding selected speeches on the topic of Germannes in the 1980s


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Acta facultatis philosophicae universitatis ostraviensis. Studia germanistica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords Germannes; literature; politics; history; ideology; intertextuality; interdisciplinarity
Description This study attempts to determine what methodological approach is suitable for studying speeches about Germannes that were written in Germany in the 1980s. The corpus of the speeches was choosen to cover multiple disciplines, it includes literary, political and historiographical speeches authored by G. Grass, M. Walser, R. von Weizsäcker, H. Lübbe and E. Nolte.
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