Publication details

Analýza finanční gramotnosti v českém kurikulu a srovnání s koncepcemi vybraných zahraničních států

Title in English The analysis of financial literacy in the Czech curriculum and comparison with its conceptions used in the chosen foreign countries


Year of publication 2015
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Citation ŠEVČÍK, Karel. Analýza finanční gramotnosti v českém kurikulu a srovnání s koncepcemi vybraných zahraničních států (The analysis of financial literacy in the Czech curriculum and comparison with its conceptions used in the chosen foreign countries). In Etické a sociální aspekty v oblasti vzdělávání a pedagogickém výzkumu: Sborník anotací z XXIII. konference České asociace pedagogického výzkumu konané ve dnech 16. - 18. září 2015 v Plzni, 2015. 2015.
Description Due to the increasing development of the world economy, the financial responsibility of people rise too. Insufficient financial literacy of people might lead to wrong decisions in the area of finance which might escalate into serious consequences. As a result, teaching of financial literacy is now globally acknowledged as an important element of economic and financial stability of a state. Therefore, there were taken actions leading to implementation of the phenomenon of financial literacy to projected curriculum in the Czech Republic and other foreign countries. The aim of the paper is to describe and compare the conception of financial literacy in projected curricula of the given countries. It especially focuses on primary schools.
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