Publication details

Nález kapradě hřebenité (Dryopteris cristata) ve Žďárských vrších

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Title in English Finding of Dryopteris cristata in the Žďárské vrchy hills


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Acta rerum naturalium
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Botany
Keywords fern; mire; relict; the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands; vegetation
Description A new locality of the critically endangered plant species Dryopteris cristata was found in Radostínské rašeliniště mire near the pond of Velké Dářko. It is probably the fi rst record of this species within the Žďárské vrchy hills. The site conditions are described herein. The fern grows in the Eriophoro vaginati-Sphagnetum recurvi association. The origin of the locality is discussed in connection with the boreal and relict character of the region, i.e., the surroundings of Velké Dářko.
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