Publication details

Budoucnost data retention

Title in English The Future of Data Retention


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Web Repozitář MU
Field Law sciences
Keywords data retention; personal data; metadata; directive 2006/24/ES
Attached files
Description The CJEU in its decision from April 2014 invalidated the Directive 2006/24/EC as an unjustified interference into the right to privacy and the protection of personal data of EU citizens and any individual. In response to this ruling, Member states have chosen three different approaches - the abolition of national legislation (Austria), ther immediate suspension and a constitutional review (Slovakia) or inactivity (Czech Republic). This article analyses legal consequences of the invalidation of the Directive, or the possible obligation to waive or ammend the Czech legislation.
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