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Publication details
Objev vápenců s rohovci v Boskovické brázdě
Title in English | The discovery of chert-bearing limestone in the Boskovice furrow |
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2014 |
Type | Article in Periodical |
Magazine / Source | Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. geol. |
MU Faculty or unit | |
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web | |
Field | Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology |
Keywords | South Moravia, Boskovice Furrow, micritic-peloidal/oolitic limestone, dark chert, sabkhaenvironment |
Description | The paper deals with anew finding of peloidal/oolitic micritic limestone in the Bohemian Massif.Limestone outcrops was recently discovered in the vicinity of Malhostovice village, Brno-venkov district(GPS: 49.338250 N; 16.516177 E; WGS 84). The rock is characterised by the presence of cavernous holesof spherical shape after the weathered carbonate particles.These particles, that morphologically correspond to peloids and/or recrystallised ooids, are interpreted as in-situ formed microbial peloids.Within the matrix were identified semi- rounded to rounded sand-sized clasts of quartz. The limestone isalso prominent by the presence of calcite rosettes or clusters representing pseudomorphs after thesupposed Ca-sulphates. Another typical feature is the occurrence of several stages of silicification leadingup to the formation of dark-colored chert bands. Micropaleontological research has revealed that thesamples examined are unfossiliferous. Regarding the mentioned features, we conclude that the limestonewas formed within asabkha environment characterised by (1) hot and arid climate, (2) sea-marginallocation with adequate supply of both terrigenous clastic material and saline water to develop theevaporites. Although we cannot completely exclude the possibility of Neogene age and genetic relationshipwith transgression in the Carpathian Foredeep, we prefer the concept of agenetic link with other chert-bearing Jurassic limestones in Moravia containing the silica geodes with anhydrite and barite inclusions. Additionally, we have found field evidences for using of described silicified limestone as aprimary sourceof raw material for lithic chipped artefacts in prehistoric times. |