Publication details

O starých mapách českých zemí : Fabriciova a Komenského mapa Moravy

Title in English About old maps of the Czech lands : Fabricius's and Comenius's map of Moravia


Year of publication 2015
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description The comparative study deals with the detection and determination the degree of mutual similarity between different old maps. Construction of the methodical apparatus consists of a compilation of partial analyzes, including content, terminological and cartometric analysis with emphasis on the study of historical and cartographic facts. Verification of the proposed methodology was based on the analysis of the oldest maps of Moravia from Pavel Fabricius and Jan Amos Comenius, which made it possible to uncover new facts relating to the geometric-design aspects of these maps and mapping work procedures of their authors. Some of the outcomes of the study were used to validate and supplement selected bibliographic records from the Map Collection of the Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague.
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