Publication details

Zjišťování situace osob znevýhodněných na trhu práce prostřednictvím konceptu zaměstnatelnosti

Title in English Identification of the situation of disadvantaged groups in the labour market through the concept of employability.


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Management and administrative
Keywords disadvantaged groups in labour market; older people; people with disabilities; ESF projects; employability; human and social capital; adaptability; flexibility; career identity; contextual dimension of employability
Description In this paper we assert the concept of employability can be successfully used for identification of strengths and weaknesses of people disadvantaged in contemporary labour markets (such as graduates, disabled, older people, etc.). Firstly we briefly present and operationalize the concept of employability in four dimensions we have already discussed earlier: human and social capital, adaptability and flexibility, career identity, and institutional conditions on labour market. (Horáková – Horák 2013) In the remaining text we apply the concept of employability in the case study of a local project aimed at increasing the employability and finding a job for its unemployed participants.

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