Publication details

Vodné bezstavovce ako faktor ovplyvňujúci výskyt vtákov na rybníkoch

Title in English Aquatic invertebrates as factor influencing the occurrence of birds in fishponds


Year of publication 2015
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation GREGUŠOVÁ, Katarína and Jan SYCHRA. Vodné bezstavovce ako faktor ovplyvňujúci výskyt vtákov na rybníkoch (Aquatic invertebrates as factor influencing the occurrence of birds in fishponds). In XVII. konference České limnologické společnosti a Slovenskej limnologickej spoločnosti „Voda – věc veřejná“. 2015. ISBN 978-80-210-7874-1.
Description Important part of food for many aquatic bird species living in standing waters are aquatic invertebrates. On 22 fishponds we have found that aquatic invertebrates represent the main ecological gradient, while zoobenthos have had basic influence on overall densities of birds.

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