Publication details

Impacts of decline of the interbank interest rates to Management of Banks



Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník z konference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords Bank; Risks; Liabilities; Rates
Attached files
Description At this moment the banks operating in the Czech market, as well as other financial institutions cope with a decline in interest rates. A decline in interest rates reflects the growth of liabilities in the banking sector, which is influenced mainly by growth in client deposits. At present there by the CNB implemented quantitative easing and growth in client deposits contributed primarily by clients of banks. Banks must react to this situation. Reactions banking sector is reflected in several aspects. It's both a decline in interest rates on customer deposits and subsequently credits. Excess of free resources reduces the risk aversion of banks - the goal is to place free cash flow. Other options for the banking and financial sector pressure to change client orientation towards products that are more profitable to him.
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