Publication details

Hrubá Vrbka (trať Za Bařinou) - druhá etapa zjišťovacího výzkumu sídliště z doby římské

Title in English Hrubá Vrbka (trať Za Bařinou) - the second phase of the finding research of the settlement from the Roman period


Year of publication 2011
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Description Two-year excavation confirmed, that in the site Hrubá Vrbka is located important polyculture site with the settlement from the laténe and Roman periods. The settlement is located close to the Amber road. The site is quite deeply destroyed by the intense agricultural activity, yet managed to find an interesting situation and findings. It was discovered part of the economic and production part of the Germanic settlement represented by several kilns and housing areal with the richly equippet sunken house (Nr. 606). In the lowest part of the site is likely to be found above other structures.

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