Publication details

Porovnanie intenzity zaťaženia v herných cvičeniach 4 x 4, 5 x 5 a zápase basketbalistiek U14

Title in English Comparison of the intensity of load in small-sided games 4 x 4, 5 x 5 and competitive game of female basketball players in category U14


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Česká kinantropologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Field Sport and leisure time activities
Keywords game-based training; competitive game; heart rate; intensity of load zones
Description The aim of the study is to identify the differences of the intensity of load in small-sided games 4x4 and 5x5 and competitive game. The intensity of load is expressed on the basis of the heart rate (HR). Ten female basketball players of U14 category participated in this study. Endurance shuttle run test was used to set the maximal heart rate (HRmax). Three intensity zones were determined based on HRmax. HR and its development were monitored with the use of the telemetric device Suunto Team Pack during the training process and game. When we compared the intensity of load in 2nd (31.5±20.9 % vs. 29.1±20.6 % vs. 22.4±12.1 %; 4x4 vs. 5x5 vs. game) and 3rd zone (68.6±21.2 % vs. 70.9±20.6 % vs. 75.4±14.3 %; 4x4 vs. 5x5 vs. game) we did not detect any statistical significance (p>0.05) and the effect size coefficient shows small effect. Moreover, no statistically significant differences were detected in % of HRmax (89.8±4.1 % vs. 88.6±3.5 % vs. 88.3±3.7 % of HRmax; 4x4 vs. 5x5 vs. game) and effect size coefficient shows small effect too. Game-based training (4x4 and 5x5) meets the game demands when the conditioning and technical-tactical aspects are taken into account.
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