Publication details

Hemagglutination as a tool for lectins characterization

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Year of publication 2015
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation MALINOVSKÁ, Lenka, Lenka ADAMOVÁ, Iveta BAČOVÁ and Michaela WIMMEROVÁ. Hemagglutination as a tool for lectins characterization. In XVII. Setkání biochemiků a molekulárních biologů. 2015. ISBN 978-80-210-8015-7.
Description The history of lectins and lectinology is closely linked to the (hem)agglutination. Lectins were discovered because of their ability to agglutinate cells and it was for a long time the main method for their characterization. However, (hem)agglutination is the classical method for lectin research not only because it is old. This method is still used for detecting and testing of lectin activity because it is simple, cheap and robust and can provide many useful information about lectins and their interactions.
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