Publication details

Pre-breakdown phase of coplanar dielectric barrier discharge in helium

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Year of publication 2015
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Coplanar barrier discharge in single-pair electrode configuration was used to study the formation of helium diffuse mode discharge. Transition from Townsend avalanching to the cathode and anode directed ionization waves was documented by high-speed camera imaging. When dielectric barrier was coated by thin layer of high permittivity coating (?r=120-140), a new partial discharge preceding the Townsend avalanching phase was detected. We suggest that this new pre-breakdown event is analogous to the known backward discharge of surface barrier discharge. Low magnitude of local electric field strength during the event reduces the level of competing electron collision excitation processes. This opens a new opportunity for studying optical emission of surface charge recombination process.
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