Publication details

Úspěšný vývoj jako celoživotní proces: příklad Brněnského longitudinálního výzkumu

Title in English Successful development as a lifelong process: Sample of Brno Longitudinal Study on Life-Span Development


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sociálne procesy a osobnosť 2014. Človek a spoločnosť
Field Psychology
Keywords successful development; longitudinal research; lifelong development
Description Successful development is assessed from actual or developmental perspective. We focused on it in terms of lifelong process. Data comes from Brno Longitudinal Study running since 1961. Current sample includes 83 persons (48 women, 47-50). Using cluster analysis we created 3 groups. Lifelong adaptive functioning group had average school achievement, self-esteem, extraversion and low neuroticism in adolescence. In adulthood they had highest education, self-esteem, health and low neuroticism. Lifelong non-adaptive functioning had average school performance, low self-esteem, lowest extraversion and highest neuroticism. They had lowest SES, self-efficacy, health, self-esteem and high neuroticism in adulthood. Adaptive functioning in adulthood had worst academic performance, below-average self-esteem, extraversion and neuroticism above average. They had highest self-efficacy, work status and self-esteem above average in adulthood. Other characteristics did not show significant difference.

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