Publication details

Supramolecular approach to detection of multicomponent anion mixtures by 1H NMR in aqueous environment

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HAVEL Václav YAWER Mirza Arfan ŠINDELÁŘ Vladimír

Year of publication 2015
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Citation HAVEL, Václav, Mirza Arfan YAWER and Vladimír ŠINDELÁŘ. Supramolecular approach to detection of multicomponent anion mixtures by 1H NMR in aqueous environment. In Calix 2015 - 13th International Conference on Calixarenes, 5-9 July 2015, Giardini Naxos - Italy. 2015.
Description Two bambusuril derivatives were applied in the detection of anions in aqueous mixtures. Bambusurils exhibits slow exchange on the NMR time scale upon the anion binding resulting in the unique and highly reproducible signals for different anion complexes. This allowed us to demonstrate qualitative detection of 12 and quantitative of 5 anions in 5% D2O - DMSO-d6 mixture and quantitative detection of I- and ClO4- in D2O on submicromolar level.
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