Publication details

Narativní obrat: současné změny v povaze právního vědění

Title in English Narrative Turn: Contemporary Changes in Character of Legal Knowledge

ŠKOP Martin

Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sociální studia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access časopisu
Field Law sciences
Keywords Postmodernism; Law; Ideology; Narratives in law
Attached files
Description Postmodernism is not only about deconstruction offered by Jacques Derrida, and postmodernism is not destruction as it is understood in Czech legal context. This article focuses on linguistic and narrative nature of the right rather than on deconstructivistic questioning. The aim of this article is to highlight the transformation of knowledge that is related to the current conception of rights: law is not to be recognized as the final set of statements about socially certificated behavior or behavior certified as desirable. Law is a set of stories that varies constantly, develops and in which is full of impulsive or planned battles for control of meanings. It is not possible to know the law in its completeness. Law as a whole is only ideal type whose real cognition is discrete and entirely impossible. That is law which is showed by postmodernism, and which will be shown in this article.
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