Publication details

Štípaná industrie z pohřebiště únětické kultury v poloze Podolí – Příčný (okr. Brno-venkov) jako indikátor sociálních jevů

Title in English Chipped stone industry as an indicator of social specifics of Únětice culture burial ground in Podolí – Příčný (Brno-venkov district), Czech Republic


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords Moravia; Early Bronze Age; chipped stone industry; burial grounds; social archaeology
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Description The article is dedicated to complex analysis of chipped stone industry assemblage collected during several years of rescue excavation in site Podolí – Příčný near Brno both from settlement features and graves. Podolí – Příčný assemblage represents until now the most voluminous collection of chipped stone industry of Únětice culture in Moravia from funeral context, and with detailed field documentation. Regarding the location of site close to raw material outcrop the information of used raw material, typological and technological characteristics mapping, and its comparison with other contemporary collections is important. Functional and use-wear analysis are interconnected with anthropological analysis data. Our results indicate possible gender and age differences in chipped stone industry using or depositing in graves. Some relatively small proportion of Únětice culture population with deeper relation to chipped stone industry tradition and its potentially symbolic morphotypes seems to appear.

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