Publication details

Využití obnovitelných zdrojů energie v extrémních podmínkách na výzkumných stanicích v Antarktidě

Title in English Use of renewable energy sources in extreme conditions in Antarctic research stations


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sympozium Energeticky efektivní budovy 2015 (Sborník)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Sensors, measuring and regulation
Keywords Antarctica energy photovoltaic panels wind turbines J.G. Mendel station
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Description Reduction of energy consumption and utilisation of renewable energy sources are required to achieve sustainability and to minimise the impact of human activities on ecosystems. This is especially important in landscapes untouched by human activity, such as Antarctica. Antarctica is the coldest, least explored continent with the highest average mean sea level and the lowest solar insolation. The amount of research conducted in Antarctica grows every year, new research stations are built and more countries are getting involved in research of terrestrial ecosystems. The use of renewables for research activities reduces fossil fuels consumption and emissions and protects the local environment. This article sheds light on the current situation, technical and economic options for renewable energy use at research station in Antarctica with regard to climatic conditions and operation requirements. In details it describes energy system at Johann Gregor Mendel Czech Antarctic Station on James Ross Island.
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