Publication details

Environmentální prvky v učebnici anglického jazyka

Title in English Environmental elements in an EFL textbook


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Envigogika
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web Envigogika
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords environmental education; hidden curriculum; Czech curricular documents on environmental education; English foreign language textbook
Description The paper deals with environmental content in an English foreign language textbook Time to Talk. The purpose of the text is to classify environmental elements in the textbook in the context of Czech curricular documents for environmental education and analyse the presentation of this content. Potential ideological message and the degree of manipulativeness of environmental content is described by selected techniques of critical discourse analysis and the concept of open and closed text. In total 4 texts and 19 tasks are analysed. The results of analysis imply that the textbook can be used in teaching the cross-curricular topic environmental education as it is related to the key topics of Czech curricular documents. Special attention is paid to ideological elements in closed texts where the environmental content is presented as unquestionable and presupposes reader´s passive cooperation.
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