Publication details

Teoreticko-metodologická východiska anticipace rizik brownfield managementu

Title in English Theoretical and methodological bases of anticipation of brownfield and risk management


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník příspěvků z konference Krizové řízení a řešení krizových situací 2015
Keywords Risk analysis; brownfields; management
Description The paper is focused on presenting the theoretical and methodological basis shaping the methodology of anticipation of risk in the field of brownfields management. It analyzes the findings of already completed international projects under the 7th Framework Programme (especially the prioritization tool for development of brownfields) as well as results and proposals from completed projects of applied research in the field of brownfields. It also focuses on description of basic layout of proposed project from the field of risk anticipation in the brownfield management (TAČR, Omega, TD03000089).

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