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Odměňovací moc studentů učitelství na praxi: kvalitativní výzkum ve smíšeném designu

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Title in English Reward power of student teachers on their teaching practice: a qualitative study

VLČKOVÁ Kateřina

Year of publication 2016
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Citation VLČKOVÁ, Kateřina. Odměňovací moc studentů učitelství na praxi: kvalitativní výzkum ve smíšeném designu (Reward power of student teachers on their teaching practice: a qualitative study). In QAK: Kvalitati­vny pri­stup a metody vo vedach o cloveku, Univerzita Komenskeho v Bratislave. 2016.
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Description The paper presents findings from qualitative research, thematically oriented on reward power of student teachers on their long term practice at lower secondary schools. Eight student teachers and their lessons of Civics, Czech or History were videotaped with two cameras (teacher´s and pupils´ camera). Deep interviews were realized and data were collected by reflective teaching diaries as well. On the bases of transcripts and video data itself thematic and open coding of reward power was conducted. The analyses focused on forms of power and mini-scenarios of use of the reward power by student teachers.
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