Publication details

Roĺ lingvističeskoj igry v formirovaniji rečevych kompetencij studenta pri izučeniji russkogo jazyka kak inostrannogo

Title in English The importance of linguistic games during the formation of speech abilities within learning of Russian language as a foreign language


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source CASALC Review
MU Faculty or unit

Language Centre

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords game; child; adult; pedagogy; teaching
Description The article informs about the key role of game as an educational section in child’s life, as well as in adulthood, placing emphasis on folklore genre, function and pedagogical side of the topic. Regarding the fact, that the child games belong to the circle of spiritual culture, the author explains the basic principles necessary to understand the importance of game application in adulthood. Inclusion of such games into teaching of foreign languages helps students to take on different levels of language and also helps to process a large amount of new information. The author of the study refers to the main aspects of this scientific field in connection with her own pedagogic view and is convinced, that the teaching or Russian language, as a foreign language is linked with linguoculturology. Based on her own experiences with mixed multicultural groups of students, there is also emphasized the importance of game application for overcoming the language and communication barrier and for creation of pleasant work atmosphere during the lessons. In the end the study brings the particular examples and games used during the teaching of Russian for academic and specialized purposes.

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