Publication details

Math-Aware Search Interfaces for Digital Mathematical Libraries (DML)



Year of publication 2016
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Citation SOJKA, Petr and Michal RŮŽIČKA. Math-Aware Search Interfaces for Digital Mathematical Libraries (DML). 2016.
Description Search is an ubiquitous way of access to digital knowledge today and math is no exception. Re-searching using online digital libraries like or the European Digital Mathematics Library (EuDML, needs specific tools allowing math-aware similarity search or formulae search in addition to the widespread textual keyword queries. We will reflect on the implementation and experience with two search modules that take into account math specifics: (i) advanced search supporting mathematical formulae in addition to text keyword queries and (ii) semantic similarity search. Similarity search allows to find semantically similar papers (using distributional semantics methods such as LDA or word vectors) to a given one to allow math-aware browsing. Experiments taking into account formulae for topic (MSC) representation will be discussed. Both modules have been deployed by the EuDML for more than 2 years now. We will share experience with their use scenarios. We will also discuss suitable web interfaces to access the DML, and their acceptance by the community.
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