Publication details

Úroveň motivace pro hudební a hudebně-pedagogickou profesi u žáků ZUŠ a studentů konzervatoří

Title in English The Level of Motivation for Musical and Music Education Career Among Elementary Art School Pupils and Conservatory Students


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Acta
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Keywords klíčová slova: career; music; motivation; music education; elementary art school; conservatory
Description This paper evaluates the level of motivation for choosing a musical or music education career among pupils of elementary art schools. It shows that the highest degree of motivation appears at the age of 11. The study also showed that among conservatory students, females do not have significantly stronger preference for becoming either a solo player, an orchestra player or a teacher, while males prefer the career of a performer over that of a teacher.

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