Publication details

Význam kvantitativní analýzy kontrastní ultrasonografie (CEUS) v diferenciální diagnostice ložiskových lézí prsu

Title in English Contrast-enhanced ultrasound in differential diagnosis of breast lesions: prospective quantitative study


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Česká radiologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords CEUS, Contrast-enhanced ultrasound, breast neoplasm, TI (time-intensity) curve
Description Aim: To evaluate the contribution of contrast-enhanced ultrasound in the assessment of breast lesions. Methods: 108 consecutive female patients were examined and 110 breast lesions (category BI-RADS 3 to BI-RADS 5) statistically analysed. Standardised contrast-enhanced breast ultrasound was performed using a Philips iU22 and linear transducer L12-5 MHz. Following intravenous administration of 2.4 ml of contrast medium SonoVue® (Bracco) a digital loop of at least 60 seconds was recorded. Results were subsequently analysed using software QLAB® 8.0. The changes of perfusion in the region of interest (ROI) were evaluated using these parameters: TTP (time to peak), PI (peakintensity), WIS (wash in slope) and AUC (area under curve). All acquired data were statistically analysed using Mann Whitney test and ROC analysis to assess the ability of CEUS to differentiate benign from malignant lesions. All lesions were histopathologically verified except benign lesions (BI-RADS 3) which instead had been followed up for at least 12 months. Results: 67 benign and 43 malignant lesions were found. Benign lesions showed statistically significantly higher TTP (p < 0,001) and significantly lower WIS (p < 0,001) and PI (p = 0,011) than malignant lesions. However, the ROC analysis proved only the WIS parameter, with specificity 79.1% and sensitivity 69.8%, to be well discriminating (AUC = 73.5%). The TTP and PI showed lower specificity and sensitivity than the WIS parameter with AUC of 60-70%. Conclusion: CEUS has the potential to differentiate benign from malignant.
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