Publication details

Jak rozumět „pohanským reliktům“: Folklór baltských zemí jako zdroj pro studium předkřesťanských tradic starých Baltů

Title in English How to Deal with “Pagan Relicts“: Baltic Folklore as a Source for the Study of the Pre-Christian Traditions of the Balts


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Religio: Revue pro religionistiku
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Časopis Religio
Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords Baltic paganism; Baltic folklore; pre-Christian Europe; pre-Christian religion; pre-Christian relics
Description The essay deals with the pagan religious relics in Baltic folklore traditions, especially with the problems of their identification and study itself. Due to a marginal geographic position within the European continent, as well as to the late Christianization, the folklore of the Eastern Baltic countries preserved many pre-Christian archaisms. For this reason the folkloric sources were frequently used in the study of the Baltic paganism (and even for the reconstruction of the older strata of the Indo-European beliefs) since the beginning of the scientific research in this field. This essay presents both the history of research including the development of methods, and also the most important aspects of the Baltic folklore containing the elements of the pagan traditions.
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