Publication details

Podpora dětí s těžkým sluchovým postižením v inkluzivním prostředí mateřské a základní školy

Title in English Support for children with severe hearing impairment in the inclusive settings of nursery and elementary schools


Year of publication 2015
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The chapter deals with the possibilities of the support of the child with profound hearing loss in the mainstream educational system - both preschool and primary school. The assistance in this case is understood in two ways: firstly as a technical support - with the use of assistive device, secondly personal support - cooperative teachers and child´s parents. Within the Framework of the chapter there are presented qualitative research outcomes carried out ranging from January 2013 till October 2015. The dominant goal of the research was the cochlear implant and the FM system contribution and overall evaluation of the language abilities level of the preschool child and primary school pupil. The following evaluation tools were applied the developmental scales - Cochlear, the Ling 6 sounds test and FM ChIP.
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