Publication details

Rok 2015 na katedře optometrie a ortoptiky LF MU Brno

Title in English Year 2015 at the Department of Optometry and Orthoptics, Faculty Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno

VESELÝ Petr PETROVÁ Sylvie BENEŠ Pavel SYNEK Svatopluk

Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Jemná optika a mechanika
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

web dokumentovy server - sbornik konference
Field ORL, ophthalmology, stomatology
Keywords optics; optometry; the 6th international student conference
Description The article contains events overview at the Department of Optometry and Orthoptics in 2015. Teachers and students organized for example The 6th International Students Conference, The 1st Doctoral Conference for Optometrists. Students present their work results at international and national conferences, e.g. The conference for Contact Lenses in Nymburk etc.

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