Publication details

Žáci 2. stupně základní školy praktické a jejich osobní zkušenost s užíváním návykových látek

Title in English 2nd Grade Pupils in the Specific Primary School and Their Personal Experience with Use of Habit-forming Substances


Year of publication 2015
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The aim of the research was to determine the extent to which 2ndgrade pupils of the specifi c primary school had experienced habit-forming substance abuse. There was used a quantitative research consisting of 15 items in the research. 202 respondent attending the specifi c primary schoo l in selected school in the Prague region were involved in the questionnaire survey. The fi nal data have presented that a half of pupils have had experiences associated with tasting wine, beer and a third of the respondents also with cocktails. A half of the responding sample has ever tried tobacco, a third marijuana and some individuals have experimented with other habit-forming substances. Alcohol and tobacco have been often got in the family circle or from friends. The alarming fact is that at least a quarter of the respondents have bought these substances without any problems at ordinary shops. Cannabis is available for a third of the respondents without any problems.

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