Publication details

Body surface area and body weight of Czech adult cancer population



Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Česká a slovenská farmacie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Other specializations of internal medicine
Keywords body surface area; body weight; chemotherapy; anthropometry
Description Almost all conventional cytostatics are dosed according to body surface area of the patient. Many monoclonal antibodies are also dosed with respect to body surface area or body weight of the patient. While in some European countries, there is recent information describing the anthropometrics of the cancer population, no data are available for Czech population. That is the reason why body surface area and weight of adult patients who were administered chemotherapy at Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute in 2013 and 2014 were evaluated. The total number of evaluated patients was 3873, consisting of 2476 women and 1397 men. The mean body surface area was 1.78 m2 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.77–1.79 m2) for women, 2.00 m2 (95% CI 1.99–2.01 m2) for men, and 1.86 m2 (95% CI 1.85–1.87 m2) in total. The mean body weight was 71.94kg for women (95% CI 71.35–72.53 kg), 83.43kg (95% CI 82.60–84.26 kg) for men, and 76.09kg (95% CI 75.58–76.60 kg) in total.

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