Publication details

Postoje české veřejnosti k inkluzivnímu vzdělávání

Title in English Attitudes of Czech public towards inclusive education


Year of publication 2015
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Attitudes of general public towards inklusive education can influence decision making of the key actores (politicians, school management, teachers and headteachers etc.) and became a barrier or facilitator of the inclusion as such. Our research focused on the atttitudes of the Czech general public towards inklusive education of learners with different impairments (sensory, mobility, mental etc.). The sample was representative for Czech pupulation aged 15+. The most negative attitudes were measured in relation to the learners with behavioural impairments, on the other hand, the physical impairment is accepted the most. The attitudes differs in various groups of respondents (age, education and experience).
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