Publication details

Realizace procesu inovačních technologií v Jihomoravském kraji

Title in English Innovative technology process in the South Moravian region


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Universitas
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords Innovative technology regional development public administration innovation infrastructure
Description The passed decades of the last century started a period of huge technological boom. In all areas of life have entered the innovative processes. Innovative processes have become the primary initiator of the growth of the economy and ensure competitiveness in today's global world. In the South-Moravian region a unique and innovative infrastructure has been created over past years that has no equivalent in the Czech Republic and Central Europe. South Moravian region is an example of cooperation between all the entities – public administration, regional development, universities, research institutions, and on top of that in symbiosis with government policy and the policy of the EU. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the structure of the innovative technologies created in JMK/ South Moravian region, to introduce temporal genesis entire process, point out the uniqueness of this model, to evaluate the degree of benefit for the South Moravia region.

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