Publication details

Návrh postupu na odstranění nadlimitních koncentrací Zn, Pb a Cd v důlní vodě vytékající ze štoly Prokop ve Stříbře

Title in English Procedure proposal for removal of Zn, Pb and Cd exceeding the limit in mine water dischrged from the gallery Prokop in Stříbro


Year of publication 2015
Type Research report
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Long-term monitoring of mine water discharged from the edit Prokop in Stříbro shows that the concentration of zinc, lead and cadmium exceed permitted limits in certain periods or vary near limits. The physico-chemical parameters of mine water and the composition vary in the favorable and for groundwater usual values. Therefore, the most appropriate method for reducing concentration of Zn, Pb and Cd will be treatment of mine water via its interaction with calcitic limestone. This will ensure precipitation and coprecipitation of the metals in the form of carbonates and hydroxycarbonates and their stable binding in bottom sediment. The efficacy of this procedure has been verified in laboratory.

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