Publication details

Vývoj právní úpravy výpočtu náhrady za nemajetkovou újmu na zdraví

Title in English Development of the Legal Regulation of Calculation of Compensation for Immaterial Damages on Health


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Právní rozhledy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Repozitář MU
Field Law sciences
Keywords immaterial damages on health; compensation; development of the legal regulation; calculation
Attached files
Description This article deals with development of the legal regulation of calculation of compensation for immaterial damages on health. Major attention is paid to the analysis of the legal regulation of calculation of compensation contained in the canceled Decree no. 440/2001 and in the new methodology of the Supreme Court on compensation for non-pecuniary damage on health. Author briefly pays attention also to legal regulation of calculation of compensation for harm caused by an accident at work and occupational diseases.

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