Publication details

Ochrana osobních údajů v rámci smart meteringu

Title in English Legal protection of personal data in smart metering


Year of publication 2016
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Description The article discusses current legal issues of smart metering. On the basis of Directive 2009/72/EC and analysis conducted in 2012 should be 80% of supply points equipped with intelligent metering in 2020. All these smart meters will work with personal data to some extent. The contribution will be based on the model of "Internet of things" that deals with the idea that technical solutions to collect, analyse and connect information, brings the need for significant changes in the legal environment. Given the fact that the higher number of devices will be connected, the greater the amount of processing personal data, must be analysed, where the limits of legal regulation of personal data in this area are. The consent to process the personal data in the context of smart metering and its actual feasibility will be analysed, possible ways to ensure transparency of processing in these cases, and how to ensure that subjects may protect their own personal information
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