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Publication details
Čeština v pohybu: Kapitoly ke zkoumání jejích stavu a proměn
Title in English | Czech Language in Motion: Chapters exploring its state and changes |
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2015 |
Type | Monograph |
Citation | |
Description | The monograph Czech Language in Motion gathers conclusions of research work done by a team of linguists at KCJL PdF MU. In their research they addressed changing phenomena of contemporary Czech language, the proprial sphere of the language, especially use of toponyms and chrematonyms, or affixation of foreign female surnames in the Czech language. Morphology aspects are dealt with in two chapters: on variant forms of loanwords and on improper prepositions. There is a detailed analysis of forming names of means of transport. As concerns stylistics, the research focuses on function of expressivity in journalism and on development of vocabulary in contemporary journalism. The area of common/non-specialised communication is examined through language material from the surroundings of Broumov municipality. The last chapter deals studies dialogue in present Czech fiction. The unifying topic of the monograph is an analysis of dynamic phenomena in present Czech language. |