Publication details

Želešický amfibolit - metatufitický komplex ofiolitového pásma brněnského masivu?

Title in English Želešice amphibolite - metatuffitic complex of the ophiolite belt of the Brno Batholith?


Year of publication 2016
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation VEVERKA, Libor and Jaromír LEICHMANN. Želešický amfibolit - metatufitický komplex ofiolitového pásma brněnského masivu? (Želešice amphibolite - metatuffitic complex of the ophiolite belt of the Brno Batholith?). In Studentská geologická konference. 2016. ISBN 978-80-210-8265-6.
Description Želešice amphibolite body form the southernmost part of the ophiolite belt of the Brno Batholith. Was studied rock association in the quarry near the Želešice u Brna. Work has shown that studied rock association probably represents vulcanic rocks that fall into vulcanic part of the ophiolite complex of the Brno Batholith. This hypothesis is supported by the lithology rock association, zonality of amphibole, plagioclase chemistry and orientation of the foliation. Due to the varied of rock lithology there is an assumption that it could be a tuffs that form the uppermost part of the ophiolite belt.

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