Publication details

Česká filosofie medicíny ve 20. století

Title in English Czech philosophy of medicine in the 20th century

KUŘE Josef

Year of publication 2015
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description This chapter deals with the Czech philosophy of medicine in the 20th century, distinguishing two groups of authors who were involved in philosophical reflection of medicine. The first group is built by physicians who contributed to the philosophical reflection of medicine. The selection of physicians has been limited to the following authors: Richard Adamik, Frantisek Mares, Edward Babak, Jaroslav Stuchlik, Jan Belehradek, Ferdinand Hercik and Miloslav Matousek. The second group are philosophers who, apart their diverse interest in individual areas of philosophy, made medicine the subject of their philosophical reflection; among them are Bohuslav Brouk, Jan Patocka, Jan Kamaryt, Rudolf Steindl and Egon Bondy.

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